Closed-Form Solutions for Broad-Band Equivalent Circuit of Vertical Rod Buried in Lossy Grounds Subjected to Lightning Strokes

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Arak university

2 Arak University

3 Imam Khomeini Oil Refinery Company of Shazand, Arak, Iran


Abstract— In this paper, input impedance of a vertical rod under lightning stroke is first computed by applying the method of moments (MoM) on the Maxwell’s equations. The circuit model is then achieved through applying modified vector fitting (MVF) on the computed input impedance. After then the equivalent circuit is again extracted for a few values of soil conductivity and rod radius. Finally using a new fuzzy-based model namely spatial membership functions, closed form solutions for all lumped elements of the equivalent circuit are achieved.

Index Terms— Closed-form, lossy ground, lightning stroke, vertical rod, MVF.
Index Terms— Closed-form, lossy ground, lightning stroke, vertical rod, MVF.
