Design, Fabrication and Parametric Study of Bulk Current Injection Probe and Its Calibration Fixture

Document Type : Research Paper


1 Faculty of Electrical & Computer Engineering, Malek Ashter University of Technology, Iran, Tehran

2 High Institute for Applied Science and Technology, Syria, Damascus

3 Electrical and Electronics Engineering Dept., Malek-e-Ashtar University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


In this paper, the fabrication of a bulk current injection (BCI) probe using two different ferrite materials and a wideband rounded-shield calibration fixture or jig used to calibrate BCI probe are presented. Some optimization ideas are also investigated to increase their performance. The effect of change in various parameters such as slot distance, probe’s shield to probe’s core spacing and the inner surface of probe’s shield on the probe high frequency performance and insertion loss (IL) have been studied. Results show that increasing the slot distance improves the high frequency response of the probe and increasing the probe’s shield to probe’s core spacing would affect negatively on measured IL and decreasing the inner surface of probe’s shield improves the probe working bandwidth.


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