Receiver structure either coherent or non-coherent in a relay channel with amplify and forward (AF) and decode and forward (DF) relaying schemes is studied and a new receiver is proposed for both relaying schemes. In the network with multiple relays the performance of the receiver at the destination node is categorized based on the available source-relay (S-R) channel state information (CSI) including no, partial, and full CSI. Next, an adaptive receiver is proposed where full CSI of the S-R channel is exploited in the receiver of the destination node. It is shown that the proposed receiver outperforms other designed receivers in the sense of bit error rate (BER) criterion.
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Haghighi, A. A. Receiver Design in Relaying Systems based on the Level of CSI at Relay. Journal of Communication Engineering, 2022; 11(1): 1-14. doi: 10.22070/jce.2024.18540.1263