The Circularly Polarized Sandglass-Shaped Dielectric Resonator (DR) Antenna with Cross-Shaped Slot

Document Type : Research Paper


Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran.


A new circularly polarized (CP) dielectric resonator (DR) antenna is addressed in this research. A cross-shaped slot embedded on the ground plane is used as a feed of a sandglass-shaped dielectric resonator (SSDR). An analytical method is also proposed to determine the initial dimensions of the proposed SSDR. The performance of the DR antenna is investigated using two electromagnetic (EM) full-wave simulators, including CST Studio Suite and Ansys HFSS. To this end, the most important antenna parameters such as the antenna gain, reflection coefficient, radiation pattern, total efficiency and axial ratio are reported. The numerical results show that the introduced DR antenna provides 600MHz (12.25%) impedance bandwidth from 4.6-5.2 GHz at the operation frequency of 4.9GHz. Correspondingly, the proposed antenna provides the axial ratio bandwidth (AR< 3dB) range of 320MHz (6.5%) from 4.85-5.17 GHz and high gain around 7.3dBi with more than 94% total efficiency. The designed antenna is suitable for wireless systems such as Wi-Fi and Wi-Max.


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