Today, fog computing plays an essential role in human life. One of the challenges in the fog and cloud environment is the hierarchical service process. Requests are sent to Fog, and if Fog cannot provide service, they are sent to cloud, which is a time-consuming process. This paper provides a framework that specifies when a request is sent, in which environment it can be serviced, and provides interfaces for properly managing nodes and domains and managing the service of requests. Two new architectures have been presented in the management interfaces. In one of these management interfaces, the most appropriate domain is determined using the SAW method of game theory and user expectations for placing the application. Then, in the other management interface specified in the domain gateway, it suggests the most appropriate node using the PSO algorithm. Since the placement of the application is based on the expectations of the users, it increases the quality of the service. The proposed method has been implemented in iFogSim and its results have been evaluated with authentic articles. It was observed proposed method has better performance and better service speed than the state-of-the-art research works and significant improvement in service response time.
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Maryam Mirzapour-Moshizi; Vahid Sattari-Naeini. "QoE Aware Application Placement in Fog Environment Using SAW Game Theory Method". Journal of Communication Engineering, 11, 1, 2022, 1-21. doi: 10.22070/jce.2024.17679.1243
Mirzapour-Moshizi, M., Sattari-Naeini, V. (2022). 'QoE Aware Application Placement in Fog Environment Using SAW Game Theory Method', Journal of Communication Engineering, 11(1), pp. 1-21. doi: 10.22070/jce.2024.17679.1243
Mirzapour-Moshizi, M., Sattari-Naeini, V. QoE Aware Application Placement in Fog Environment Using SAW Game Theory Method. Journal of Communication Engineering, 2022; 11(1): 1-21. doi: 10.22070/jce.2024.17679.1243