Groove Gap Waveguide (GGW) H-plane Horn ‎Antenna and a Method for Its Back lobe ‎Suppression

Document Type : Research Paper


1 department of electrical and computer engineering, graduate university of advanced technology, Kerman, Iran

2 Department of electrical and computer engineering, Graduate university of advanced technology, Kerman, Iran


recently a new structure called groove gap waveguide (GGW) is ‎introduced to implement low loss microwave component devices ‎especially for millimeter wave applications. This paper presents a ‎new type of H-plane horn antenna making use of this new technology ‎in which backward radiation is significantly suppressed by ‎introducing a high impedance surface at the antenna aperture. The ‎high impedance surface that we used as the back lobe suppressor is a ‎corrugated surface. The designed antenna is simulated by HFSS and ‎its radiation performance is compared with an ordinary GGW H-‎plane horn in which no back lobe suppression mechanism is used. ‎Results show a significant improvement in back lobe suppression and ‎gain enhancement by the proposed structure.‎
